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Home Long Wool Lice Tool

Long Wool Lice Tool

This program is for use when some mobs are affected by lice and may need treatment before shearing.

It uses the current level of wool damage to estimate the wool damage that might occur if the sheep are not treated. This is compared with the costs of treatment that could be used.

The user can then decide if it is worth treating the sheep or leaving them untreated until shearing.

Long wool treatment will not eradicate lice, so even if sheep are treated before shearing, they will also need treatment after shearing.

The program uses the proportion of the flock that are now rubbing to estimate the progress of wool damage. Rubbing can be due to a variety of causes, so if lice have not been seen then it is essential to check whether rubbing is due to other causes.

If in doubt, use the Rubbing Tool to check whether the rubbing is due to lice or some other cause.

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