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SubscribeA parasite population can develop resistance to a chemical through:
Pour-on applications can be susceptible to under-dosing (see points above) plus caked mud, lesions, wet skin etc can reduce chemical uptake. Social licking may also decrease the actual dosage received.
Everyone working in the rural industry has a ‘duty of care’; a legal obligation to provide a safe workplace for everyone on the property.
Chemicals administered by injection are formulated for introduction under the skin and to be absorbed into the capillary system of the subcutaneous tissues.
Some broad-spectrum actives, such as macrocyclic lactones, can affect both internal parasites (worms) and external parasites that feed on blood, such as ticks, buffalo flies, stable flies and sucking lice. This unintentional exposure of non-target, secondary parasites to chemical actives can lead to these populations developing resistance.
Subscribe the the Boss Bulletin for monthly updates and articles about all things parasite management
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